Thursday, March 8, 2012

One of millions: A Respone to #stopkony #invisiblechildren

Gotta Love a Good ol fashioned civil war in media.
 Less Hate, More Love. But it's more than that:
More Awareness, Less Ignorance.
More Action, Less Words.
More Knowledge, Less Hiding.
More Understanding, Less Vengeance.
More Truth, Less Avoidance.

Many people are responding positively as well as negatively to this Stop Joseph Kony campaign that has blown up on Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and beyond. What an amazing testament to the power of media for a positive change in our society. Many argue that some poeople will only Update their status about it, not actually do anything to make a difference. Understandable it is easy to join a gathering that seems like a good cause but not actually let it affect our every day lives or impact our hearts to take action and make a change. However, part of the point of this campaign was to bring awareness to this cause; therefore, that is action in itself is having a voice and using it for good. What is the point of undermining others or tearing them down if they want be a part of this 'movement'; no matter how small some of us might think it is or how big it can turn into. Is it that we don't know the facts? Well, then smarty pants, enlighten your dear friends :) The thing that Strikes me the most about #StopKony is not just what it stands for, but the fact that it brings to light how much of a bubble we live in! This reminds me to be active in our own government, to take an interest in the politics of our nation and to take a passion in current world affairs, to stand up for injustices against human rights: whether its bullying in school, hate against gay people, animal and child abuse, our healthcare system, you name it: if it is a campaign for a good cause then keep the faith and call attention to it. The crew for Invisible Children have been working on this movement for over a decade, and before them there was campaign for bringing our soldiers home or even just decades ago civil rights and womens rights. It all takes time, but there is power in knowledge, in seeking Truth, and in educating ourselves on not just what may be happening in Uganda but in our own neighborhoods, in our cities, our countries, and beyond borders.  

There is Power in UNITY.
That is what saddens me about backlash for people speaking out. Why destroy what brings us together if it is for the better of humanity. Why question freedom of speech, if we speak in love. If #Kony2012 doesn;t make you want ot think of a man who may or may not be in Uganda at this moment; then let it remind you that people all over the world are hurting, are hungry, are hoping for shelter, for love, for faith, for PEACE. 

Many years ago, I realized I had this great big heart for kids. So I became involved in youth groups, summer camps, leadership programs, and even went on a few short-term missions projects to work with kids in Mexico, Moscow(Russia) and Cameroon(Africa). This does not make me a saint and I don't say this to make myself look like a 'better' person, because I am not involved like I used to be and hope to be again. We can blame life for getting in the way, and if so I still make sure I play a tiny part in sponsoring a little girl through World Vision who lives in central Africa. But what I've realized is that we are called to make a difference in changing our selves, in our own homes, and in our own little worlds, and if we go beyond that then how amazing is that. I have six nieces and nephews, and being involved in their lives matters to me and may change our future generation. God calls us to Love Him and Love Others. Human need is Love.

I am typically not overly outspoken when it comes ot politics or religion, yet this issue just turned on a light for me somehow, and whether or not I take part in #coverthenight, what I will take away from this is that: no good can come from hating, patronizing or mocking our brothers and sisters; but this is our generation, this is our time to stand for goodness, justice, equality, mercy and GRACE, no matter which avenue you take.

Maybe the invisible children are us, floating along in this life not caring one way or another. Maybe the invisible children is whatever you stand for, believe in, anything that can create change for kinder, less corrupt world.

1 John 3:17 ESV
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

Matthew 5:16 ESV
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Other Advocates for making a difference that I support:

Watch the Video Here and gives a look at both sides of the argument
Invisible Children responds to critiques, articles and blog posts
Other important news for human rights in Uganda

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